I would like to frame and apply windowing to extract the LPC coefficients of the speech waveform. Please include any links or citations that can give me a working algorithm
I am currently working on a project to build a prosody model for a TTS system in a language which does not have a model yet. Can you please suggest the best platform to do this?
08 September 2016 7,542 0 View
Hi, I am using GROMACS 5.1.4 to simulate water in contact with a surface. I am only interested to calculate some properties of water near the surface. Let's say at a distance of x nm from the...
03 March 2021 9,989 2 View
I have an issue with APA 7th in-text citation. II have two papers where the first three authors are the same, and the fourth is different. I am using the Mendeley desktop app, and automatically it...
02 March 2021 790 3 View
If you google this you find a lot of smart guys explaining you how to download 1 year of citations of 1 single paper of yours (or anyone else). I mean 1 year of ALL my papers. or ... ALL years or...
01 March 2021 1,121 9 View
Dear Researchers I am trying to perform a PIL simulation using STM32F4 Discovery board and comunication serial USB TO TTL. During simulation I receive the following timeout error: An error...
01 March 2021 2,327 1 View
To dear Researchers, I was analyzing a series of concentration for estimation of Real-Time PCR efficiency. The concentration was 1:10. I used MS-excel to evaluate Slope. The result of slope was -8...
01 March 2021 8,683 4 View
Hi everyone, I would like to ask how I can download BibExcel software for MacOs? There are some links which are supported by Windows but I could not find it for Mac. or is there any other software...
01 March 2021 652 1 View
The following code (see 1st 2 images attached) is used to produce PID controller values that are designed to control the system (G). The code finds the PID controller values (noted as k) by using...
28 February 2021 6,560 14 View
I have input and output data set for "ANFIS modeling in MATLAB", and I am getting some negative predicted values of output in testing. However, the predicted values of output in training are...
28 February 2021 3,459 3 View
I need to be able to match in-text citations to a reference list and back again in very large documents (100+ pages) WITHOUT the use of referencing software like Endnote. my method is to type the...
27 February 2021 9,848 1 View
Dear colleagues, I have found that many authors have a concern regarding their missing citation in RG because often citation in RG is lower than google scholars. I also missed some citation...
26 February 2021 928 6 View