Maeenuddin currently doing PhD at Putra Business School, University Putra Malayisa. Area of interest is Corporate fiance, Islamic fiance and behavioral finance. latest research paper is on the relationship of EVA Momentum with Working capital management components, evidence from non-financial sector of Pakistan.
I wrote a paper about Murabbaha vs Bank borrowing a few years ago co-authored by Dr.Sherif El-Barrad. We compared the rules of Murabbaha vs bank borrowing and interest capitalization. It might sound interesting.
As others are suggesting - you can compare different instruments of Islamic banking and justify with Finance theory. Please take a look at my paper "Developing Economy Banking: The Case of Islamic Banks," with Farhad Ghannadian published in the International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 31 No. 8, 2004, pp 740-752.
I propose the following research topic: Economics and cost analysis of the implementation and development of various variants of selected Industry 4.0 technologies, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, Big Data Analytics, Business Intelligence, the Internet of Things, cloud computing etc. for the processes of integrated credit risk management (and other financial risks) ), operational, market, systemic, including the risk of IT systems, cybercrime, data transfer on the Internet, etc. in the context of business activity on the Internet, e-commerce, commerce conducted on the Internet or electronic and mobile banking with economic and financial strategic analysis with the assumption of several variants of the implementation of a specific development strategy and mission of the company, financial institution and various scenarios of the market situation in the future, including various variants of the development of the economic situation on the markets where a specific economic entity operates. In the situation of a technology company, the analysis may also apply to the implementation of the above-mentioned and other Industry 4.0 technologies, including Blockchain, robotics, multi-criteria simulation models, additive manufacturing, cybersecurity instruments for business operations. Long-term conducting of this type of analysis in the context of ongoing and changing or modified during economic activity, in a changing economic environment, it should lead to the creation of a multi-factor econometric model adequate for a specific industry, sector, market, etc. economy in which a specific entity operates and for a specific economic entity, for the specificity of its activity, chosen mission, implemented strategy .