Maritime Trade or the Indian Ocean TradeIntroduction
The establishment of Delhi Sultanate was a departure from commercial stagnation of the earlymedieval period. Economy prospered during the Delhi Sultanate. Urbanization becamesultanate’s inevitable nature. These towns naturally needed to be sustained. It was themaritime trade that played a vital role for this sustenance. Maritime trade during the 13-16
century adhered to the political elements of continuity and change resulting into a development of an extremely prosperous society.
The division of &sian maritime trade into an eastern and western segment with a transhipment port in between$ is a normal feature of the later medieval trade. 'by 1200 maritime trade was mainly carried in two types of vessels$ *dhow’ in the western and *+un,’ inthe eastern ends of the maritime trade. Dhows were rope-sewn with a mainmast and amizzenmast rigged fore and aft with lateen. They each had a side rudder. Dhows were built of tea,wood from the rain forests of the western India. ./. oreland has calculated that these vessels were about 125 modern tons draught. 1un, evolved from a bamboo raft. These +un,s carried a cargo of 679 modern tons.
The Sailing Patterns
The sailing patterns in the Indian 6cean were determined by the monsoon wind system. Theshipping in the maritime was largely guided and shaped by the more or less predictablealteration of south-western 71une-September8 and north-eastern monsoon 76ctober-1anuary8wind system.
During this period$ trade between estern world and Eastern orld had been wellestablished. India$ due to its central position$ acted as a lin, between eastern and westerntrade. 'y !!40$ the common pattern of transhipment had been set. The &rabian Sea shipssailed to the ports of alabar and 9oromandel 9oast. Thence the commodities andpassengers of the dhows were e%changed with the +un,s. Thence$ ships were sailed to Easternorld.
Commodities Involved
The principle items of import were hoses$ precious metals li,e gold and silver$ e%otic te%tilesli,e sil,$ muslin etc. ain commodities of e%port were con2ned to grains$ spices$ drugs$te%tiles li,e cotton$ tea, woods etc.
Chief Ports
There were a number of ports on the Indian coasts of international signi2cance. 9hief ports onthe :u+arat coast were Somnath$ 'roach and 9ambay. 6n the alabar and 9oromandel 9oast$;uilon$ Eli$ 9alicut$ 9ochin$