Can anybody tell me "What is the total number of species, genera and families that were described in the JD Hooker's Flora of British India Volume I (1872)?
Note: Volume I of this flora covered Ranunculaceae to Sapindaceae.
In his first volume of The Flora of British India, Hooker (1872) included descriptions and synonymy of 2460 species in 452 genera under 44 natural orders (=families). It covers the natural orders (=families) from Ranunculaceae to Sapindaceae. Actually the Volume-I (Hooker 1872) was compiled in three parts. Part I includes the natural order Ranunculaceae to Polygaleae while Part II includes Frankeniaceae to Geraniaceae and Part III includes Rutaceae to Sapindaceae .
Rashid, M. E., & Rahman, M. A. (2011). Updated nomenclature and taxonomic status of the plants of Bangladesh included in Hook. f., The Flora of British India: Volume-I. Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy, 18(2), 177-197.
Sir J.D. Hooker and his co-workers have included 171 families, 2325 genera and 14,312 species of flowering plants in the Flora of British India (7 volumes, 1872-1890) which covers the areas of present day India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Tibet, Bangladesh, Burma (Myanmar), Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and Malayan Peninsula. In this work 170 families, 2073 genera, and 10,200 species were described from the present day political boundaries of India. In the ensuing years many genera, species, subspecies, varieties and families (Brachycaulaceae, Clethraceae and Hydatellaceae) of flowering plants have been reported as new to science/India.