Norway uses thermal effects to determine Norwegian boundary values and uses the limit values recommended by ICNIRP. If "The use of EMF to modulate immune responses" is true, do they have to change our boudary values for electromagnetic radiation?
Dear Solveig, thanks for your interest. The full text of our review is now available at Frontiers in Public Health:
In our review article, we described and discussed the effects of the exposure to ELF-EMF and PEMF on cell signals and factors relevant to the activation and regulation of innate immunity cells. According to the current view of the immune system, infected or injured cells, by releasing specific molecules associated to damage or “stressing” conditions (DAMPs), activate an immune response. Cell signals induced by DAMPs are also relevant to the activation of homeostatic mechanisms that downregulate the immune response, a feature that allows modulation by therapeutic treatments. By discussing the effects of ELF/PEMF exposure on cell functions, we envisage the possibility to use them as a therapeutic agent to regulate immune responses and point to the gaps requiring further research. You may find references on these aspects within the review.