I do not know whether their offered service would give anything of value. But I would not use it because they use "ISI", which reminds of the former Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), the first which did scientific citation indexing (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institute_for_Scientific_Information). Using labels reminding of serious institutions is usually a sign of being dubious.
I agree with Wolfgang R. Dick that this looks very much like an attempt to confuse people by borrowing the well-known abbreviation for the Institute for Scientific Information -- which was the original publisher of the Web of Science and the creator of journal impact scores.
Yes, they have taken the well-known 'ISI' - Institute for Scientific Information name to popularize their service. It seems to me this site as an indexing service which you need to pay some fee to index your journal in their database. However, this database/service is not a reputated one at all. I noticed that they give the journal impact factor values for journals indexed in them. Also, I noticed that it is known as 'international journal impact factor'. Whatever the name they have assigned to this metric (international journal impact factor or journal impact factor), this is not the original 'journal impact factor' given by Clarivate Analytics for journals indexed in SCI, SCIE, or SSCI. Perhaps the may merely calculate the impact factor value for any journal indexed in them following the original formula followed to calculate the original impact factor.