Langowska, A., R. Yosef, P. Skórka, P. Tryjanowski. 2018. Mist-netting of migratory bee-eaters Merops apiaster positively influences honey bee Apis mellifera colony performance. Journal of Apicultural Science 62:67-77.DOI: 10.2478/JAS-2018-0008.
From Europe there are quite a lot done on geese,
Hake, M., Månsson, J. and Wiberg, A. (2010) A working model for preventing crop damage caused by increasing goose populations in Sweden. Ornis Svecica, 20, 225–233.
MacMillan, D., Hanley, N. and Daw, M. (2004) Costs and benefits of wild goose conservation in Scotland. Biol.Conserv., 119, 475–485.
Owen, M. (1990) The damage-conservation interface as illustrated by geese. Ibis, 132, 238–252.
Patterson, I.J. (1991) Conflict between geese and agriculture: does goose grazing cause damage to crops? Ardea, 79, 179–186.
Van Eerden, M.R. (1990) The solution of goose damage in the Netherlands, with special reference to compensation schemes. Ibis, 132, 253–261.
Not at the moment but I have seen some about swans too.