I have been working on acoustic echo cancellation while following the research paper :
Conference Paper Echo Detection and Delay Estimation using a Pattern Recognti...
Since I am working on real-time audio data so my problem is as follows:
Problem Statement:
| |
| H E L L O |
is being played by phone and now its echo is being recorded in a Near-End packet. Now the cases arise here are that this could be recorded as:1
| H E L L O |
Hello completely recorded in one packet.
2. ------------------------------ ------------------------------
| | | |
| H E | | L L O |
------------------------------ ------------------------------
Distributed in two Near-end packets
3. ------------------------------ ------------------------------
| | | |
| H | | E L L O |
------------------------------ ------------------------------
and so on random distribution of far-end audio between multiple chunks of near-end audio.
Now, I want to detect echo and perform cancellation. That can be done if I get an accurate chunk of far-end whose echo is in the near end chunk. Right now I am making overlapped chunks with the shift of 1 sample equivalent to 0.020833 ms of data. But this is quite computationally over expensive.
So 2 questions arise here:
I hope my question will be cleared. I tried to explain it yet keep it concise.
Any help will be appreciated.
Khubaib Ahmad