UPDATE: SOLVED (See my final comment at the bottom of this page)

Apologies for the long post, but I feel that I need to give some context/details about the problem at hand before getting to the problem. Thank you for your time in advance!

I am minimizing the electronic structure and atomic positions (ISIF = 2) of a surface slab of CdSe with pseudo-hydrogen passivation in specific places (not important for the discussion below), and the desired surface is in the plane perpendicular to the z-axis. Whenever I reach the desired force cutoff for an ISIF = 2 calculation like this one, I always perform a couple of follow-up calculations where I read from the WAVECAR and keep the relaxation tags turned on (usually IBRION = 2, ISIF = 2, and NSW = 100). If the structure does not relax any further and if the force drift remains approximately the same, then I feel confident that my structure is at the desired position.

For this relaxation, I require the forces to be no greater than 1.8 meV/Angstrom, which I know is a strict convergence criterion for a large surface slab (this one is 140 atoms). However, with parameters such as PREC and ENAUG set in appropriate ways, I found this force convergence could be achieved with a force drift that adheres to VASP manual’s recommendation --- that is, the force drift is less than the desired force cutoff.

After relaxing the structure, I performed two further “relaxations” as mentioned in the second paragraph above. The output files corresponding to those jobs are ‘OUTCAR.1208664’ and ‘OUTCAR.1211575’. Both jobs give reasonable values in the drift, namely:

total drift: 0.00000045 0.00159302 0.00053071


total drift: 0.00000011 0.00080124 0.00101411

respectively. There are some differences between these, but nothing out of the ordinary for such a large slab in my experience. Plus, these drifts are acceptable with respect to my desired force cutoff. Both of these runs were performed on my university’s supercomputer on 6 nodes (24 cores-per-node), and I set NCORE = 24 to match this architecture.

Now, here is the issue: If I turn off the relaxation tags (IBRION, ISIF, and NSW) and change the calculation to run on a high-memory node (48 cores-per-node) with no NCORE set, I get the following drift (see ‘OUTCAR.1232305’):

total drift: -0.00000005 0.00045769 -0.01691489

The x- and y- components are still fine, but the z-component is much larger than I would like. It’s still “small” relative to most other calculations of this scale, but it bothers me that the drift is now about an order of magnitude larger than my desired EDIFFG value. I’m not sure if it’s due to the change to the high-memory node, or turning NCORE off, or both, or neither. But it seems very strange. I mention the high-memory/NCORE requirements because I perform the VASP2WANNIER conversion, otherwise I wouldn't mention those details.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. I have included the aforementioned OUTCAR* files, as well as the corresponding INCAR* files (appended with the same numbers as the OUTCAR* files), KPOINTS file, POSCAR file, and POTCAR file. Also, I have slightly modified the OUTCAR* files to give me more digits of precision in certain places, so there may be some areas that seem a little more cluttered with numbers than usual.

I know this issue is not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things, but to see the drift jump from < 1.8 meV/Angstrom to 10 times this amount between different runs is troubling to me.

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