You should go through the following research articles for biomass determination of individual tree.
1. Singh, Arvind and J. S. Singh (2001). Comparative growth behavior and leaf nutrient status of native trees planted on mine spoil with and without nutrient amendment. Annals of Botany 87: 777-787.
2. DeBell, D. S., C. D. Whitesell and T. H. Schubert (1989). Using N2 fixing Albizia to increase growth of Eucalyptus plantations in Hawaii. Forest Science 35: 64-75.
3. Zavitkovski, J. and R. D. Stevens (1972). Primary productivity of red alder ecosystems. Ecology 53: 235-242.
The mathematical model to determine the shape of an individual tree (stem) is called taper equation, and the mathematical model to determine the biomass of an individual tree is called allometric biomass equation. You can find many articles for reference using "taper equation" and "allometric biomass equation/model" as key words. The following papers may be helpful.
1.Zeng WS, Tang SZ. 2011. A New General Allometric Biomass Model. Available from Nature Precedings.
2.Zeng WS, Liao ZY. 1997. A study on taper equation. Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 33(2):127-132.
What kind of tree form you mean? There is a large body of biomass equations published (hundreds or thousands of them) and some general equations for different ecosystem types. There are also equations for different aspects of tree form (taper, crown width, crown length etc)
What kind of tree form you mean? There is a large body of biomass equations published (hundreds or thousands of them) and some general equations for different ecosystem types. There are also equations for different aspects of tree form (taper, crown width, crown length etc)
I am interested to know about the best suited allometric equation to determine the biomass and the form of tree. especially the bole.?