The Coriolis Force influences the motion of the atmosphere.
The motions of ions and electrons are influenced by the motions of the atmosphere through the collisions with neutral particle, so indirectly they are related to atmosphere motions which are influenced by Coriolis Force.
Up to about 90 km, charged particles are bound to the neutrals through collisions and so any rotational effect on neutrals will impact the charged particles as well. As the height increases and as we move on to the F layer, both ions and electrons are tied to the magnetic field lines and neutrals cannot move them across the field but a component of neutral motion can move them along the magnetic field. Moreover, for the neutrals at upper thermospheric heights, the Coriolis force diminishes in magnitude when compared to other forces like pressure gradient, ion drag and molecular viscosity. At high latitudes, electromagnetic forces (J x B) directly drive neutral winds at E and F region heights and Coriolis force plays little role there.
Planetary waves, taking into account Coriolis force, can influence on the structure of the E-region (Shalimov et al., JGR, 1999). The cyclonic type planetary waves can cause additional horizontal convergence of ions and also influences on the formation of the sporadic E.