I have done my masters study research in Sentiment Mining and I have worked on Multi aspect Sentiment Analysis. I want to continue the work in the area, can you help me choosing?
You may concentrate on trending topics in tweets. Tweets which are associated with hash tags are attracting researchers' now a days. Extract trending topics in a specific period, then you can go for opinion mining and sentiment analysis...
Nowadays there are quite a big trend to research on deep learning of NLP and Sentiment Mining , you can follow research work of stanford to get a better understanding and continue your work.
Deep Learning is really popular now. So, first any models where you can use RNN based deep learning systems for sentiment analysis is going to be good.
Now, sentiment analysis is an applied topic. So, you need to find a good interesting data set. As Manoj mentioned, electoral data analysis is good. But, you need to consider am I going to add something new to the field. It cannot just be using Deep Learning methods instead of traditional NLP based methods for electoral data or any data.
Can anyone tell me about the latest and un resolved challenges in sentiment analysis or Opinion mining? As I have to select thesis topic for my MS research work.
In recent days, cryptocurrency, digital economy as well as sharing economy are hot topics of today that can be explored well using sentiments analysis.This article might be helpful to proceed further https://blog.cryptocompare.com/sentiment-analysis-on-cryptocurrency-news-d28923b356be