I have idea about publications with Elsevier. So I can tell you that you may get comments within 4-6 months and after that it will take 2-4 month for acceptance. It means it may take a period around 8-12 month from the date of submission till the final publication. In some cases I found It will take more than 2 years too. So, it totally depend on the time taken by the reviewers assigned for your article.
Elsevier Journals usually display journals insights on the webpage of the journal. Here you can find average review time, acceptance rate etc.. In case you do not find the same, you can mail the chief editor of the journal. They are often polite and respond promptly. Springer also shows the journal insights for most journals.
http://dtim.essi.upc.edu/jrt/index.php, this website helps to find journal response time and can also help you to compare different journals. You can also check ranking