Okay, I am a trouble-maker; I admit it in advance.  But the issue of sentience has occupied a lot of society's attention recently, in books & movies especially, and it's not likely to get less interesting in the future, so let's dig in and thrash out some essentials. 

Is there any way one could define rational criteria for the sentience of a computer?  A nonhuman organic life form?  A human?   How do you know I am sentient?  How do I know you are?  Personally, I have my doubts about some individuals I have met; you probably do too. 

If Ray Kurzweil is right, this is not an issue we can afford to neglect until it is thrown before the courts.  Let the games begin! 

PS: it seems likely that an equivalent Question has been asked already in RG, but I have been unable to find a way to check.  If anyone knows of an existing thread on this topic, please let me know and I'll delete this one! 

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