Let k be a field of characteristic zero and let E=E(x,y) be an element of k[x,y].

Define t_x(E) to be the maximum among 0 and the x-degree of E(x,0).

Similarly, define t_y(E) to be the maximum among 0 and the y-degree of E(0,y).

The following nice result appears in several places:

Let A,B be two elements of k[x,y] having an invertible Jacobian (= their Jacobian is a non-zero scalar); such A,B is called a Jacobian pair.

Assume that the (1,1)-degree of A is >1 and the (1,1)-degree of B is >1.

Then the numbers t_x(A),t_y(A),t_x(B),t_y(B) are all positive.

Question: Is the same result holds in the first Weyl algebra over k, A_1(k)? where instead of the Jacobian we take the commutator.

Of course, we must first define t_x(A),t_y(A),t_x(B),t_y(B) in A_1(k); it seems to me that the same definition holds for A_1(k), or am I missing something? Perhaps it is not possible to consider E(x,0), where E is an element of A_1(k)?

Thank you very much! Please see https://mathoverflow.net/questions/334897/a-non-commutative-analog-of-a-result-concerning-a-jacobian-pair

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