Nowadays it's all about the impact factor when building one's scientific reputation. However, my personal opinion is that the 'Impact Points' system (as implemented in RG) may, at times, not be truly representative of a scientist's real output. Having co-authored just 1 Nature article and 1 Science paper as 18th-listed co-author, a researcher is rewarded with 73.83 impact points despite not having contributed more than maybe 5-10% of each paper. In comparison, a researcher with, e.g., 5 lead-author contributions in GEOLOGY and another 5 lead-author papers in Geophysical Research Letters (both are journals of high reputation in the Earth sciences) would only collect 40.4 impact points for significant efforts. This is, somehow, unequal and clearly favors scientists who are part of big research groups with a large number of authors (e.g., such as those conducting space missions). In my view, the effective impact point output should also include the percentage of contribution made in each specific contribution (similar to what this platform uses as their "RG score"). What is your opinion on this?

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