While reviewing the classical text, different methods for preparation of Naga Bhasma (incinerated lead) was described with and without Jarana (oxidation) but ultimately aim of the Jarana processis to convert the metals in to powder form.
"NAGA BHASMA (INCINERATED LEAD) PREPARED" by any method if used for human consumption is grossly irresponsible! Is it? Besides, the effluents of the oxidation process couldn't be rejuvenating either :-)
Dear Sir actually it is not the metallic lead but preparation is quiet different and continuous levigation (Bhavna) with herbal juices and other catalytic material like realgar were added during the processing and triturised (Mardan) until dryness after each incineration. This process is repeated so manny times likewise 10, 20, 30, 60 and so on depending on the selection of method of preparation and finally it is converted in to oxide (PbO) or in sulfide form (Pbs) which is not toxic for internal administration in therapeutic dose....
So manny classical test are given in our Ayurvedic classics for properly prepared Bhasma like Varitaratva ( Bhasma floats on the surface of water), It becomes so light so it can not break the surface tension of water and it can not possible in the case of lead.