I)     Thickness at which sediment was dated is 100cm.

II)     Age is around 150 years at 100cm.

III)    Estimated Sea level rise of the area is 0.314cm/year.

If I am assuming that in 150 years total rise in sea level was 47.1 cm and this much rise in sea level can only accommodate 47.1cm sediment in the basin without any subsidence, if is it ok?

In present study total sediment was deposited around 100 cm in 150 years with respect to the sea level rise in the area. 52.9cm (100cm - 47.1cm = 52.9cm, where 47.1cm is sea level rise in 150years) extra column of sediment was deposited during entire 150 years. Which happened to be only 47.1cm (as per the sea level rise), because the rise in sea level was only 47.1cm. So it is only possible when basin sediment was got subsided/ or subsidence.

So based on this, the rate of subsidence was 0.35cm/years  

 =   52.9 cm ( extra sediment deposited in 150 years) /

     150 (age of the dated sediment)

= 0.35cm/year

 Please suggest your views.

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