as per my understanding of the question, you wish to prepare contour map. If so, you first need to have or prepare the DEM of that area, then you can generate the contour map but the resolution of DEM poses limitation on the contour interval.
Most well-developed GIS programs--ArcGIS and QGIS, for example--permit contouring. The specific techniques for this require data points of elevation that are then used in slightly different ways by the specific program. To find out how to do that in the program you use query its developers. Esri has a strong support system online ( and one for academics in your area (talk to the administrator at your university). QGIS has a superb support group online that can explain it in that program. And of course, there are other programs as well. The data is available for different areas through different online datasites. So what is best for you, where you are, is a bit unclear. I would check with your local data library, if there is one, and if not a state geologist for this data. I think altitude is one factor in the Ecological Units program whose global data is made publicily available through ESRI, US Geological Service, and others.