Manufacture claims that he use only fresh cow milk in his pasteurize milk and UHT milk. But consumers said that he added some powder milk in his diluted fresh cow milk.
You need to evalute the lactulose content. Lactulose is produced by the thermal treatment of milk, so raw milk has not, pasteurize or UHT milks have a certain amount according with the heat treatment. If you ad powder milk, the lactulose content is going to be higher than normal for those milks since there is in the power milk
There is a review that focus on the different methods of detection of the adulterants in milk. All using techniques such as DSC, RP-HPLC, LC-GC, HPTLC, immunoassays: CE, ELISA, FAMPST, FTIR, NIR spectroscopy, PAGE, IEF, DNA-based methods and MALDI-MS are reviewed.
Available from: [accessed Jul 6, 2017].
Article Detection of adulteration in milk: A review
As per the law, use of skimmed milk powder (SMP) is not allowed for adjustment of total solids (TS) or solids-not-fat (SNF) in case of sale of fresh cow/buffalo or mixed milk. However, SMP can be used for the adjustment of milk solids in case of toned, double toned and recombined milk.
As mentioned by Sandra Teresita Martín del Campo, Lactulose content is the index (marker compound) for judging the quality of milk (fresh or heat treated milk). You can go for lactulose content in that suspected milk.
Alternatively, there is one qualitative method for the detection of presence of SMP in liquid milk. The method is based on the fact that the coagulum obtained from reconstituted skim milk powder by addition of acetic acid, which gives intense blue color on boiling with phosphomolybdic acid due to certain reducing groups present in the proteins of milk powder which are able to cause reduction of molybdenum blue resulting in formation of blue color.
(I can share more details on this if you required)
If the addition of nitric acid drop by drop in to the test milk sample results in the development of orange colour, it indicates the milk is adulterated with skim
milk powder. Samples with out skim milk powder shows yellow colour.