An atom consists of protons, neutrons and electrons. Is it possible to alter one atom to another by removing its protons, neutrons and electrons. If yes, then what is the procedure need to be followed. for e.g. Oxygen to Carbon
Shure it is; just bombarding the atom with neutrons or high energy protons, usually with a cyclotron.
Science fiction writer Isaac Asimov imagined in the 50s that in a future will be common practice to turn iron in gold, but even in the novel an amount of atomic energy is needed...
Shure it is, you have just to bombard the atom with neutron or high energy protons or heavy ions obtained from a suitable accelerator.
Isaac Asimov in the 50's imagined a future when obtaining gold from iron would be easy with the help of "atomic energy". Nowaday it isn't impossible but not so practical from an energy balance point of view