I have a problem, where equation changes with problem instance size.

There are given n circles (centers and radiuses ). Circles dont intersect, they are separable. I need to visit every circle starting from the first circle and returning to the first circle. The sequence of visiting circles is known. The task is to find points on these circles (described by radius) to minimize the path.

For 3 circles we have to find P1 P2 and P3 that minimizes d=d(P1, P2)+d(P2, P3) + d(P3, P1) (for permutation (1, 2, 3)). When number of circles changes, the minimised equation changes.

I would like to have a module invoked from C++/Python that will solve such problem for me. I would like to send number of circles and its parameters, and solver should solves a problem and responds with P1, P2, P3,...Pn.

In the attachment you can find an image of two circles and some points P1, P2 (it is not optimal solution, of course).

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