thanks Aniketh Rao . does Manganese and molybdenum metal (no metal ion)form complex with thioacetamide aqueous solution in hydrothermal process (180 degree for 14 hours) ?
Thioacetamide is well-known to function as a source of sulfide ions. See the following link
Merck Index refers to it as a pleasant substitute for H2S in the laboratory. Heating an aqueous solution of thioacetamide in the presence of metal salts (at 180oC) hydrothermally can result in all types of products which need to be identified by performing the reaction (with thioacetamide alone and in the presence of metal ions) and characterizing the product. One need not be surprised to get a product devoid of S which can be due to loss of S as H2S.
So, you mean zerovalent metal for example Mo or Mn and NOT a metal salt. My answer is as follows: To the best of my knowledge no compound having formula [M(thioacetamide)x(H2O)y] (where M is zerovalent metal; x can be 1 or 2 or 3 etc. y= 0 or 1 or 2 etc) described in standard inorganic chemistry text book which is prepared under normal (non-hydrothermal) condition. However a compound like [Mo(CO)6] with metal in zero state is well known. For Mn dinuclear carbonyls are known.
I do not know what will happen to thioacetamide (m.p. 115oC) when heated in a hydrothermal vessel at 180oC. You may like to find out this first by performing an experiment which is easy rather than asking in researchgate. From your query, it is not clear which metal you used for the reaction and what material you have got. It is also NOT clear as to why (what purpose) this experiment was performed. Based on the amount of reactants taken and the amount of product formed, its colour, its properties etc. one can find out what the product is. In a synthesis, the possibility that no reaction takes place and one gets back the starting materials also cannot be ruled out. Without details of your chemical reaction it is very difficult to answer.
This will be truly remarkable if you are able to make MnMoS4 by your hydrothermal process. Pl. note that Mn should be +2 and Mo in +6 state in the formula MnMoS4 if S2- ions are formed in the reaction. (MoS4)2- is bright red in colour and is known for many years. To know more about (MoS4)2- our recent paper
Article Synthesis, Spectral Characterization and Crystal Structures ...
If your product is red in colour then you might have obtained a (MoS4)2- containing compound. So far {MnMoS4] is not known. But to know about a Mn compound containing (MoS4) pl. read a 1990 article
Dear Surbhi Anand thank you for this interesting technical question. As already mentioned by Bikshandarkoil R Srinivasan thioacetamide normally serves as an easily handled source of H2S in analytical chemistry. Thus I'm pretty sure that under hydrothermal conditions the thioacetamide completely decomposes and forms H2S. A few transition metal complexes of thioacetamide have been reported in the previous literature e.g. for cobalt(II), nickel(II), copper(I), copper(II), zinc(II), cadmium(II), and mercury(II). In this context please have a look at the following useful links:
Synthesis, spectroscopic, and antimicrobial studies of the bivalent cobalt, nickel, and copper complexes of thioacetamide
Article Synthesis, spectroscopic, and antimicrobial studies of the b...
Thioacetamide complexes of nickel(II) and copper(I) chlorides
Article Thioacetamide complexes of nickel(II) and copper(I) chlorides
Article Infrared absorption spectra of metal complexes of alkylthiou...
Unfortunately these articles have not been posted by the authors as public full texts on RG, but I think that the Abstracts contain sufficient information. Apparently, simple thioacetamide complexes of manganese and molybdenum have not been reported in the literature.
Good luck with your research!
5 Recommendations
Bikshandarkoil R Srinivasan
Goa University
Dear Surbhi Anand You may like to read the paper titled "Properties of some solid tetrathiomolybdates" Article Properties of some solid tetrathiomolybdates
which describes compounds having composition M(MoS4) (M=Co(II), Ni(II)). However there is no MnMoS4.
Frank T. Edelmann
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Dear Surbhi Anand regarding your remark "I used manganese and molybdenum pure metal in hydrothermal reaction with thioacetamide and I got MnMoS4" I just found that the compound MnMoS4 has been prepared earlier using hydrothermal synthesis:
Two-step in-situ hydrothermal synthesis of nanosheet-constructed porous MnMoS4arrays on 3D Ni foam as a binder-free electrode in high-performance supercapacitors
Article Two-step in-situ hydrothermal synthesis of nanosheet-constru...
However, to the best of my knowledge, the hydrothermal synthesis of MnMoS4 directly from Mn an Mo metals is a new finding. Thus you should characterize your material and publish it as soon as possible.
Good luck and best wishes!
3 Recommendations
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