there is a large difference between an anesthetic action and an analgesic action. There are however no drugs who have only one effect. Anesthetic action should also be clarified as anesthetics can have hypnotic effects without any analgesic impact, anesthetics can also block the sympathetic system, very important during anesthesia without any analgesic effect. (most sympathetic blocking drugs have some analgesic effect) . analgesics can be given during anesthesia but are not required when hypnotics are given. during anesthesia no analgesics are needed, after anesthesia analgesics are required and as most symphatic blocking drugs have some analgesics effects more and more interest today exits in adding these anesthetics in low dose post operative to treat pain. the strongest analgesics, or opioids, have both strong analgesics and sympathetic blocking effects however with very fast tolerance, hyperalgesia and addiction. Thats the reason why these opioids are used less and less as anesthetics and as postoperative analgesics.
Actually ketamine is classified as a dissociative agent.
Postop pain is best dealt with by preventing intra-op pain.
3" pre-incision 50 mg IV ketamine in the presence of stable CNS propofol level blocks the brain's ability to perceive the critical signal of integument violation (i.e. incision, trocar puncture or local anesthetic injections.
The 10-20" dissociative ketamine effect is prolonged with pre-incision lidocaine/epi & pre-closure bupivicaine.