23 July 2020 3 912 Report


I am going to conduct research with primary school students, using a ready-made questionnaire assessing motivation based on the Self-determination theory. The original questionnaire goes with a 7-point scale ranging from 1 (not true at all) to 7 (very true). However, according to my own reading, 7-point scales might be confusing for primary children to use. So, I am wondering if I could use this questionnaire with a 5-point scale instead, with 1 being "not true at all" and 5 being "very true".

I am wondering if anyone of you has reduced the scale points of a ready-made questionnaire. Could you tell me your experience, for example, whether the new scale can still produce valid and acceptable results? Or could you please suggest me solutions so that I can make my survey most comprehensible for my young participants?

Thank you very much in advance.

P.s. I am a first-time research student and have no prior experience in doing quantitative research. I would be very much grateful for your advice.

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