Yes, I think that finding our true soulmate (spouse) who is ready to spend forever with us is the most challenging and difficult thing in life. I think that we are lucky persons when we find our true soulmate (spouse) who is ready to spend forever his/her life with us.
Our marriages union of mind & heart we understand each other with our mind ,brain , & heart & in this line if our language differs immediately a solution between the exchange of views both from the within come out & get & join the ideas together to make our life happy ,joyful &healthy .
It is in this line I have expressed my views which I submit herewith As to the respective qualities of good spouse, both are moving in the same direction of their thinking phase ,quality ,mutual test ,hobbies , & such other common areas which help them to make the life respectable for them .
With this sometimes back I have my publication under the captioned '' Marriage Our Union of Heart which I submit herewith for your perusal with a request to offer your valuable opinion
Wow!! What an awesome thought! Finding a soulmate is secondary to understanding this: does a soulmate really exist? or its a beautiful concept that unnecessarily frustrates people? The response becomes subjective, based on one's religious inclinations, philosophies, exposure etc. However, everyone has the soul and everyone can have a mate. If the soul is a sum total of our will, emotions and desires, then we can have a mate based on an emotional conviction emarnating from our willingness to allow the desire to love someone uniquely.
I believe that finding a soulmate is the most simple sophistication!! However, the power lies in CHOICE! God or the universe or fate can parade a lot of people in your lifetime, but you choose to single one person and then name that person a SOULMATE! If you can name her that, then you will own that in her. Your entire being then conforms and aligns with that CHOICE you have made! Yes, it will be based on certain unique things like a connection, chemistry, inner-peace, the atmosphere and acceptance the person gives you. Therefore we CHOOSE to make one person a soulmate!!
Yes. For some people that person may not always be or look like what we expected. So we overlook them for other people or situations. Sometimes the most difficult thing in life when it comes to our soulmate is learning how to get out of our own way
Plato’s idea of finding your other half or your soul mate is a very enduring concept. It’s easy to see why! It’s fun and it makes everyone feel like their life is a fairy tale waiting for a happy ending. Unfortunately research shows that belief in a soul mate is detrimental to your love life. It sets you up for failure because this view of a relationship means that there is one perfect person out there and when you find’ll just know. Then everything will be perfect.
In reality love and relationships take work. You need to have a healthy respect for yourself so you can assert boundaries that are healthy for you. you also need to be able to perspectiv-take so you can communicate well enough to work out conflicts. There will be conflicts!
According to John Gottman and his massive amounts of research in the love lab, a relationship needs a good foundation of trust and commitment. Then a couple needs to “build love maps” or get to know each other‘s world. The next step is developing fondness and admiration, then maintaining a positive perspective (almost like giving your partner the benefit of the doubt when you’re not sure if their behavior is positive or negative), followed by managing conflict by making sure you can self sooth when stress is high and creating a dialogue about your problems as well as being open to your partner’s influence. If all of those factors are in place you can work on making your life dreams come true together and creating shared meaning as a couple.
Research also shows that the idea of romantic love is not universal. Although romantic love exists it is considered rash and immature.Marriage is an alliance that takes more than love to make it work. In countries where arranged marriages are the norm, couples rate themselves as more satisfied than folks in the West who have to find their own partners. The divorce rate is lower although there are other cultural factors at play. It makes sense because the family of the perspective couple works hard to find someone who will be a good fit for their child and they tend to know their children well. In the West we expect young people to suddenly make lifelong decisions and it doesn’t always work out for them.
That being said people in relationships tend to be much more satisfied if they have a lot in common. Opposites may attract but they do not endure. A partner should have similar values to you and it helps if you have the same likes and dislikes. It can be much more fun hanging out together when you aren’t having to compromise all the time.
Lastly, every relationship has an end. Some of them end sooner than others but that does not mean you have failed. Every relationship helps you learn more about yourself and what works for you. It’s not entirely true when people say you HAVE to love yourself before you can love another but there is some truth in that. People who expect to be treated well In a relationship are usually treated well. Those who expect to be treated badly are generally treated badly. So my advice for those who are looking for love is to set your expectations high and be willing to accept being single if your expectations aren’t met. Being single is not a failure, either, and it can be very rewarding to never have to answer to someone else.
I think we now live I a society where expectations are so high. We are bombarded with romantic films and stories showing the perfect romance and as such we are beginning to see this as the norm. In reality relationships are not always about falling madly in love in the most romantic way but are about 2 people who for whatever reason decide to spend their lives together. It has been shown that often the strongest and longest lasting relationships are not necessarily those that have the strongest romantic element.
Therefore in relation to the question, then I would agree that finding a soulmate is the most challenging thing in life because our expectations are so high.
The amount of closeness — emotional, physical, spiritual, and even mental — that is in a relationship is overwhelming to handle at times. If you go slow and let yourself really fall in love, no matter what happens, you can fight off this sense of keeping yourself locked up tight.
Please see my 2 published articles and I don't believe in "soul mate". I've been fortunate to be married to my very best girlfriend for 47 years. I would marry her again over and over again if given the oportunity.
Compatibility, Holistic connection, Chemistry, Atmosphere of warmth and rest and God's confirming guiding inner peace....well it's by grace to find that person! Hence in today's society its rare to find that one person making it slightly difficult. However, it is the simplest thing on earth; only to find that simplicity is the best sophistication. Personally, I believe that it is easy to find your soulmate. You will always attract after your own kind...then choose one and be happy.
Whether it is the most “difficult” is a question for debate. It is easily the most important factor to life success and happiness. When someone has found a good partner, it seems the easiest thing in the world. When you are still looking for that person, it seems the most difficult thing in the world.