Early calculations suggest that it should be possible to provide all the food and biofuel currently needed to satisfy the existing population of the planet on a land area of about 10% of that currently used. The new technology would mean that agriculture would only require 10% of the water it currently uses. Development of the technology would rapidly mean that no one had to be hungry, since food would be plentiful and cheap. Biofuels would also be plentiful and cheap and their production could be sustained for the foreseeable centuries. If developed I could potentially become the richest person on the planet, however I stall to move further because of the potential downsides:-

Such technology would be highly disruptive, potentially destroying the livelihoods of farmers globally and allowing production to be concentrated into the hands of a few producers. Fossil fuels would become redundant, resulting in huge geopolitical disruption. Of most concern to me is the potential effect on human population, since it is probable that normal Malthusian dynamics would follow. Would a world with 100 billion humans be desirable, or tolerable.

My current inclination is to bury the technology. Thoughts please.

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