Eco-socialism (currently put forward in many forms) involve proposals about how to reorganize human-Nature relationships in ways respectful of both humans and Nature INSTEAD of capitalism which ravages both humans and Nature. Marxism = an analysis of capitalism designed to be useful to workers trying to reduce their exploitation, get beyond capitalism and craft new worlds. The only thing "green" about Marxism is its critique of how capitalism is destructive of Nature as well as of human beings. Although Marx's analysis of the class struggle revealed some of what workers don't want (exploitation, alienation, subordination of life to work) he refused to play the utopians' game of laying out a design for what they should want and directed out attention, instead, to what they were fighting for, e.g., less work, greater freedom for both personal and collective self-activity.
Harry thank you for commenting. If you know that capitalism puts the economy first and only, you can state is market structure, both in terms of supply and demand or in terms of market equality and freedom. If you know that red socialism puts society first and only, then you can indicate its market structure, if you know that green marxism puts the environment first and only, you can express its market structure, if you know that yellow marxism puts society and environment first and only, then you can state its market strucrure....If you know that ecomarxism aimes at protection society and environment, you can state its market structure.....
This question is about only ECO-SOCIALISM and GREEN MARXISM, and the question is a very specific one and the answers are simple and short ones: Is Eco-socialism Green Marxism? Do they have the same model structure?
In other words, are they the same concept? Yes, no, why? Do they have the same market structure after flipping liberal capitalism? Yes, no, why?