We know that the human neocortex has a tremendous capacity to store information at some 1.6 x 10^14 bits—or 2 ^(1.6 x 10^14) possibilities (Tehovnik, Hasanbegović, Chen 2024). What is unclear is where this information is specifically stored and in what form since the foregoing estimate is based on all the neurons and synapses in the human neocortex. We have speculated that the temporal and orbital cortices store objects from images of faces, to sounds of words, to the touch of a fresh breeze, and to the smells and tastes of one’s favorite coffee or tea (Tehovnik, Hasanbegović, Chen 2024).

A recent study conducted by Shan et al. (2022) that used EEG recordings from the entire neocortex suggests that during unconscious versus conscious states (as established using a continuous-flash suppression paradigm) the orbital and temporal cortices mediate consciousness (see Fig. 1). An important question remains, however: how do the remaining association areas of the neocortex that mediates spatial processing such as the retrosplenial, lateral intraparietal, supplementary frontal, and prefrontal cortices contribute to the conscious process? In the experiments of Shen et al. (2022), the behavior examined was the presentation of visual objects (that were stationary) followed by a keypress to signal detection, which activated both V1 and motor cortex. If the behavior had emphasized spatial vision (e.g., a rotating three-dimensional sphere that activated neurons in the middle superior temporal cortex, MST, see Fig. 2) would now the area declared to be ‘conscious’ shift toward the parietal and medial frontal cortices?

Figure 1: The main point of this figure is to show that consciousness was attributed to the temporal and orbital cortices and not to the parietal and medial frontal cortices. Note that an object detection paradigm was used on subjects as EEG recordings were made from a total of 662 sites over the left neocortex of seven subjects for the probe, object stimuli presented in the right visual field. For further details see Shan et al. (2022).

Figure 2: When the dots are in motion ‘apparently’ a sphere appears.

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