I'm a Dutch student who is working on a project to investigate the possibility of estimating the number of calling Spadefoot toads (Pelobates fuscus) on a recording by using Avisoft SASlab pro. I'm using sound recordings of calling Spadefoot toad's and I'm trying to detect every single call with Avisoft. I have used a Bandpass and Sampling Rate Conversion to filter the recording and focus on the frequencies used by the Spadefoot toad. Thereafter I used the Automatic Parameter Measurements Setup.

Avisoft detects most calls but also misses some and make some false counts. These false negatives en false positives have a lot of impact on the data. For example: I have counted 12 calls on a recording but when I analyse the data with avisoft it counts 24 calls. Is this the disadvantage of using bioacoustics or am I missing something? I hope you have some suggestions for me. 

Kind regards, 

Valentijn Jeronimus

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