In Croatia, three government bodies are responsible for large carnivore conservation, management and administration. The Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection – Directorate for Nature Protection and State Institute for Nature Protection are in charge for the wolf and the lynx and the Ministry of Agriculture – Directorate for Hunting for the bear.
Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection – Directorate for Nature Protection among other, adopts wolf and lynx management plans and is responsible for their implementation. Furthermore, Ministry gather all records about damages caused by wolf and lynx and runs database; hire and make contracts with court appointed experts for assessment of damage caused by wolves or lynx. Every year, State Institute for Nature protection in September made the Report about Wolf Population Status. In the Report we analyse all available data and also damages caused by wolves. Unfortunately, Reports are on Croatian language. But, now we are working on our web page (, or and till the end of the September English version will be available. You can contact me for more details by mail: [email protected]
Also, team from Slovenia gathered in the frame of the LIFE+ SloWolf Project collected data (, so you can contact also Rok Černe from Slovenian Forest Service by mail: [email protected]
Thank you Jasna. I will follow the SloWolf Project and the other sites. I appreciate the effort to publish in English. I also thank you for the offer to contact you with specific questions to which you might answer or direct me to resources of which you might be aware.
I am currently collecting data about wolf and bear predation on livestock for my internship research in the Kresna Gorge in Bulgaria. I work for Fund for Wild Flora and Fauna which is working on the Reintroduction of the Griffon Vulture in the area. I am trying to find out if there is a relation between wolf attacks on livestock and the availability of wild prey. If there is a relation between the number of attacks on livestock and the availability of wild prey than this could mean that by reintroducing wild prey species or strengthening of wild prey populations, the Human-Predator conflicts could decrease. Which also leads to less intentions for people to put poison baits for wolves, which was the main reason of the disappearance of the vultures in this part of Bulgaria.
I collect the data about the wolf and bear predation on livestock by doing questionnaires with farmers in the research area. This data I can later on use to compare certain plots (with the same number and kind of livestock but different numbers of victims) on wild prey abundance. Furthermore I will try use the data to say something more about other influencing factors for predation on livestock like the proper use of guarding dogs, etc.
Thank you Hans. That is one of the questions in which I am interested. There is the possibility of a future project that will require some expert input on the subject, may I please contact you if the opportunity arises? I do want to ask: are the wolf kills confirmed to be that of wolves (or bears) by experts or is it a report from a, possibly biased, farmer? In our region prejudice against wolves sometimes clouds the rancher's assessment of the cause of the isolated bovine death especially if scavenged by other animals.
Hello Louis, Yes you contact me if you need any extra information about this subject.
About your question; The kills are not confirmed to be Wolf or Bear kills by experts, these are just numbers of killed livestock which livestock owners claim to be killed by Wolf or Bear.