I'm one of the coordinators at a shark tagging project in the Adriatic sea and I'm interested in exchange of experiences. Target species: Prionace glauca (L.)
I do not have experience directly with sharks, but I do research with littoral fish in the Med using acoustic telemetry and external tagging. If interested, you can check for some papers in my profile, and I would be interested for possibilities of collaboration or sharing experiences.
Hi Andrej, I'm doing a tagging campaigns along the Northern Ionian Sea on demersal sharks as Galeus melastomus, Scyliorhinus canicula and Mustelus mustelus. I'm using dart tags
Thank you for your kind answers; I will definitely take a look at your papers Mr. David. Mr. Carlucci have you got any published papers from your researches ? Our target species if blue shark (Prioance glauca) for sat tags; but we are considering tagging Mustelus punctulatus and Mustelus mustelus with dart tags. Good luck with further researches !
Andrej you might contact Alessandro DeMaddellena in Italy. He is currently in South Africa but might be able to assist you in locating someone that has or is conducting shark tagging studies in the Med. Please tell him I referred you. His last email address in my book is: [email protected]
He can also be found on Facebook. Hope this helps. Ralph S. Collier
Hi Andrej, I have experience tracking lemon sharks in the bahamas, great white sharks in south africa and tagging and tracking basking sharks in Ireland. I will be in Gozo, Malta for the last week on June/ start of July if I can be if any assistance.
Dear Paul, thank you for your message. I appreciate all help and efforst. Sharklab is based in Malta, so you can get in touch with our CEO and give us tips and advices about shark tagging (since this is the first project in Med sea). Kind Regards
Andrej, several attempts and initiatives have been started during the course of the last 20 years, but unfortunately The support from governmental side is limited. Most projects were conducted on local level and were limited in its duration. Alessandro as already mentioned is for sure a good point of entry but also Sarah Fowler might be a good source for more indepth information.
Thank Harald, support from the governmental side is always the limiting factor. I`ll reach Sarah through facebook, considering we`re friends there. We are still waiting for some donations, before starting the project (field work).
In the context of your question, I suggest that you have a look at this brand-new Forum on Rare Mediterranean Shark Species
Thanks to an easy, intuitive graphic interface, it assembles and maps the latest information on the distribution of 21 shark species- the rarest in the Mediterranean Sea- that have not been seen for many years in that region of the globe and are therefore increasingly considered as locally extinct. But are they really ? What if they were just under-reported ?
Thank you very much for your answer Frederic, I fould the link you have sent very useful. There is a huge lack of understanding (based on lack of proper studies) of sharks that inhabit Med sea (especially Adriatic sea) We have 32 registered shark species, but we do not have any details about theri populations (or is there a stable population at all)....
we are planning to start a tagging (platisc dart) campaign for smaller species (for instance Mustelus spp. and Squalus acanthias) in the Adriatic Sea. If we succeed in the grant I will let you knwo. Moreover, we work a lot with the local fishery (Chioggia-Venice). So, if you need any help in advertising your tagging work here, we can cooperate.