Dear all,

i welcome to the group Eric Scerri, who is a philosopher of chemistry.

to get the topic started, i'll pose some general questions about philosophy of chemistry. here goes

'is water h2o?' (paul needham has a nice paper arguing that it's not, or more generally he criticises natural kind terms, if i remember correctly).

what does molecule talk commit us to? (are they models, ie fictional entities, or real systems and how can we know since we mostly don't see them)

does chemistry reduce to quantum mechanics via quantum chemistry?

are there laws of chemistry over and above those of physics?

what does the history of chemistry tell us about our basic ontology? (ie paul needham seems to support the idea that chemical formulae do not decide the issue of atomism).

please share your thoughts on these topics, i'll also wait from Eric to start threads on this topic with more specific questions.

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