In our LC-MS/MS based methods there are three analytes with an amphiphilic character, two of them being strong metal chelators in addition. Thats definitely not your pet analytes, therefore I was not surprised when they exhibited significant tailing when setting up the method years ago.
Over the years, the peak shapes of those three compounds became worse and worse (in addition to a significant increase of retention time) no matter what we tried (regular change of pre-column, new column - we use a Gemini C18 150x4.6, 5µm - new standard, etc.) so I abandoned the hope of restoring the initial situation.
Last Monday we have replaced the rotor seal on our Agilent 1290 Infinity System (it was leaking) and voila - the peak shapes and the retention times of the three problematic compounds are the same as in the beginning.
I wonder if it was really the condition of the old rotor seal that caused the problems - has anyone experienced something similar?