Dear colleagues,

We are seeking your support in developing pedotransfer functions to estimate  parameters in infiltration equations (e.g. Philip equation but eventually also other equations and parametrizations) from infiltration experiments. What we would need are the original infiltration data (cumulative infiltration versus time) and the corresponding soil properties (e.g. texture, carbon content, bulk density, …) including soil structural properties or taxonomic information if available. Any metadata describing the experimental data in more detail are welcomed. Data may stem from lab scale, plot, field and catchment scale experiments. We are planning to establish a database of these data that we will submit to  a data journal (e.g. Earth System Data Science).  Up to now we have collected about 350 infiltration curves with corresponding soil properties. Yet we are not covering all relevant textural classes and possible ranges of soil properties. In order to honor your support we would like to include you as co-author on the manuscript. We hope that you contribute to this initiative and welcome any questions you might have.

Best regards

Mehdi Rahmati, [email protected]

Harry Vereecken

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