I recently read about Bruke's theory and found it interesting to learn more about particularly in research perspective. It will be a great help if anyone can provide any article or other literature to enhance my understanding of the theory.
This is a great piece that looks at occupational and organizational communication through a dramaturgical lens. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10510978709368242#.VOj48EKChUQ
Burke's theory of dramatism is IMHO an offshoot of symbolic interactionism. The concept of language as symbol and the intersection of agents in the enactment of social life is not a new concept (see George Herbert Mead, 1934, Mind Self and Society). You might review the work of Goffman as well in dramaturgy. In fact to the ends that Burke is pointing, a review of the Chicago school of sociology (Dewey, Mead, Blumer, Parks, Goffman, and others) as well as those who operate within interactionism for a variety of perspectives on social action and interaction. At the end of the day metaphors (dramatism or dramaturgy) serve the purpose of describing how society behaves.