Let us start with basic definition of epidemiology:
Epidemiology is the study of frequency, distribution and determinants of disease and health related events in population groups. It helps in obtaining, interpretation and use of data to improve, protect and restore health of the population.
Three groups of variables are commonly used in descriptive epidemiology. These are:
A. Characteristics describing the persons affected such as age, sex, marital status, education, occupation, habits, genetics and ethnic groups.
B. Characteristics describing the place where persons were found affected. The distribution of the disease may have international, national (limited to one country), continental, local (only part of a country) or urban-rural pattern.
C. Characteristics describing the time in which persons were found affected. Does the distribution follows secular trend (over many years and decades), seasonal trend (within the same year), recurrent pattern or the occurrence of disease after special events, e.g., raining. ?
Associations observed in descriptive studies are helpful in hypothesis formulation. Testing of hypothesis generated from descriptive studies needs analytical epidemiological methods and/or experimental methods to prove or refute..