Campanulaceae work has showed that there are no characters by which distinctly could enable generic circumscription. Some have, argued for instance that in the Nothern Hemisphere, North American studies, characters (pollen and seedcoat sculpturing) used for family or subfamily circumscription,could be used for generic circumscription.

Is it possible to do that for the Southern Hemisphere bellflowers? In South Africa as well, much work has been done on the family but mostly is outdated in terms of generic circumscriptions and needs urgent revision.

I am currrently busy with the revision of the subgenus afrotrachelium. My intentions are to find new set of characters that will determine the fate of the subgenus; My question is does Prismatocarpus subgenus afrotrachelium deserve a genus status?

The characters thus discovered in this subgenus could be used to for generic circumscription. I have  no intentions of using molecular phylogenetics since according to Cupido et al. (2011) and Cupido (2009) there is incongruency with the molecular phylogenetic trees with the trees for morphological characters, together with the primary character of capsule dehiscence.

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