With the rise of automated technology to replace "obsolete" manual labor, how exactly would it affect the human economical well being? I hypothesize a future where the impact of low skill jobs (fast food restaurants, manufacturing, front desk liaison type of employment etc.), wage free services would change our view of success and survival completely. Since the cost of manufacturing these services and products will no longer have a wage impact, they will dramatically reduce the overall prices to such lows that any type of employment would be sufficient enough to afford luxuries a middle class person of today would have. Problem, we will still have a large portion of the population with low skills to find employment in an emerging economy of robotics and computer engineering. I'm guessing (no, hoping) that with overall low cost of products most people will have more wealth to spend on entertainment thus expanding and giving new opportunities to those who do not posses the skills required/needed in the new market.

PS I do apologies if my question is inconsistent in some way, please do provide feedback.

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