At low concentrations, the adsorption occurs by the first order and proceeds linearly. isotherms coincide. Langmuir model saturation is reached. In the Freundlich model, adsorption continues even though the affinity decreases. Differences occurs between the two different models
I think you should study another type of isotherm that depends on the heterogeneity of a surface or isotherm that brings them together and compares whether there is a convergence in the result or not
Dear Faridedin you can try to fit your data with Langmuir-Freundlich isotherm also to see the possible mechanism of your adsorption, also the other isotherm like Elovich which are following heterogeneous adsorption phenomenon can help you in your data analysis interpretation. If you use other isotherm from homogeneous or heterogeneous models by comparing their correlation coefficient it will help you in your interpretation.
Professor, Elias can you help me identify each type of isotherm and what it is characterized by, for example, Freundlich is characterized by multilayers ..