Dear all,
does anyone have a good idea for a PhD topic in labor economics or econometrics? Preferably with a focus on Germany. Data availability shouldn't be a problem for the most part, so any ideas are appreciated.
Depends on what tools, methods and your professor wants to accomplish in his/her funded project.
Econometrics: (just a hypothetical topic ....) - Spatial or time series analysis of [xxxxxxx] service/products in [xxxxxxx] county/region/country.
You might study impact of Brexit on main land Europe labor , but all Depends on what tools, methods and your professor wants you to use.
Thanks for your ideas so far.
There isn't really a restriction on methodor tools. This is more my personal brainstorm :)
Hi everybody, does anyone have a good idea for an instrument for unemployment rates? It should be enogenous to GDP growth and crime rates. Any references to literature would also be appreciated,...
03 April 2018 4,332 3 View
Hi, I'm seeking to estimate a simultaneous equation model (perferably with ML/GMM and not 3SLS). But my data exhibits spatial dependencies that have to be controlled for, e.g. by using a spatial...
02 March 2018 1,307 5 View
Hiiiii everyone! I have an enquiry on statistical analysis. I was looking for many forum and it's still cannot solve my problem. I want to compare means of two groups of data but only with two...
03 March 2021 8,796 3 View
What's the best way to measure growth rates in House sparrow chicks from day 2 to day 10? Since, the growth curve from day 2 to 10 won't be like the "Logistic curve" it might not follow logistic...
03 March 2021 1,401 3 View
Hi In Molecular Dynamics Simulation, how do I make changes to the force field according to my protein? I got this error in the add-ion stage: Fatal error "./ amber99sb-ildn-HHH.ff / force...
01 March 2021 8,747 4 View
Dear All, For my paper, I use business dynamics (firm entry/exit rates) as an independent variable in the econometric part. Due to endogeneity I follow a 2SLS approach, for which I need a...
28 February 2021 5,322 3 View
Hello. I have a question whether if my coefficients (statistically significant) would be valid when VIFs are really high. In my model, there are independent variables(IV), moderating variables...
26 February 2021 956 13 View
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25 February 2021 9,648 3 View
Good morning, I could not find literature about this so I am asking. I am organizing data for a questionnaire (N=100) that foresees some personal questions like level of education. For the aim...
25 February 2021 2,090 4 View
My purpose is to recognize the volatility clustering property without statistical tests such as The Lagrange Multiplier (LM) test.
24 February 2021 4,150 3 View
To be specific, I want to conduct an IV regression in stata with the following three equations. EQ1: Y1 ~Y2 Y3 X EQ2: Y2 ~ Z1 EQ3: Y3 ~ Z2 Both Y2 and Y3 are endogenous. However, Z1 and Z2 are...
23 February 2021 6,266 3 View
I am using Abaqus to simulate a plate with in-plane loading. The boundary conditions allow the right edge to move up and down, the displacements on the left edge are fixed. There is no rotation...
23 February 2021 711 3 View