The code that I wrote is as follows:
1 clear
2 units metal
3 dimension 3
4 boundary p p p
5 atom_style atomic
6 lattice fcc 4.05 orient x 1 1 -2 orient y -1 1 0 orient z 1 1 1
7 region 1 block 0 2 0 2 0 2
8 create_box 1 1
9 create_atoms 1 box
10 pair_style eam/alloy
11 pair_coeff * * Al99.eam.alloy Al
12 dump 3 all custom 1 dump.coordinate xs ys zs
13 run 0
14 variable N equal "count(all)"
15 print "number of atoms equal ${N}"
16 print "all done"
Did I write the code correctly? and how I can find out about the periodicity in the atom position in each direction?
Thanks everyone