Finding grid materials that can withstand 1000 deg C useful for direct deposition is probably difficult. You should find out from suplliers what kind of grid materials are available that can withstand 1000 deg C, and and check if TEM grids are available.
If you nano particle are in powder form:
1) Why don't you make nano particles separately at 1000 deg C, mix some particles in a suitable solvent that evaporates easily, then sonicate them in IPA or acetone, and take a dropper and put one or two drops on the normal carbon coated copper grids, which is the standard way people do it.
In case you are making a thin film:
2) In case you are making a film, then you can always choose NaCl crystals (melting point 801 deg C), as a substrate, and after film deposition, dip it in water, and carefully detach the thin film, and collect it onto a grid.
3) you can also use potasium sulfate crystals which has a melting point of 1069 deg C, deposit your film onto it directly, and since it is water soluble , after deposition dip it in water, and when the film is detached, collect it carefully onto a normal TEM grid.
4) Search for a suitable water soluble crystal which has a high melting point, and you can deposit your film onto it.