02 February 2012 12 10K Report

Today in class I heard the following affirmation:

"In just the same way the photon field A_i has two helicities related by parity, the graviton, associated to the g_ij field, must have its physical degrees of freedom related by parity."

The metric tensor g_ij is defined by a solution of Einstein's field equations, which are pairs (M,g) where M is a four dimensional Lorentzian manifold. Well, if you accept that definition, then parity is not a global symmetry, simply because M does not necessarily have a "global parity transformation" or more precisely a Z_2 action. Therefore, if you can in some way make sense of some parity like symmetry in a general manifold M, it shoud be a local one (unless M has a Z_2 action), and then that would mean that those degrees of freedom coming from the local parity are not physical at all, therefore the graviton doesn't exist as a spin 2 particle in a general spacetime manifold M.

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