I have been trying and trying but I have gotten nothing so far? Would somebody help me please?

******** File: small_form.html ***********



Enter a number between 0 and 10:




I need to pass into file insert_lectures3.php the value of the variable $sum. I need to do something like this:

******** insert_lectures3.php ***********


As you see, I am using $_GET['$sum'] to get the value of the variable $sum into the file -insert_lectures3.php- but I get nothing. I tried using $_POST['$sum'] and nothig happen too.

What's wrong!

What do I have to do to get my work done?

Help me!!!! Help me!!!! Help me!!!! eeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!

When I was younger .........!!!!!!!!!! The famous beatles song!!!!

No, seriously, ....., please help me!!!!

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