I am working on "Intrusion Detection System with Data mining Techniques". Can anyone help me with which algorithms/techniques are useful, or which keywords are good to find better research papers. Thanks
I will suggest you to do some googlescholar searches for keywords like KDD99 dataset (https://tinyurl.com/3acekz7). The dataset is old, but most literature still use it as a benchmark. Related publications discuss about DM techniques. Perhaps that will give you some roadmap.
There was also a new dataset from University of New South Whales- UNSW-NB15 (https://tinyurl.com/znuxf4b), published at the ECU SRI Security Congress last week (http://conferences.secau.org/) at Perth WA.
I have published two research papers on Intrusion Detection System for Cloud environment. You can read those two papers. It will give you an overall idea and expand your vision of research.
Look at into the infrastructure Historian - Techniques such as feature extraction, data normalisation, machine learning and neural networks are an ideal approach.
First get a solid idea about the data mining concepts related with building IDS.I recommend "Data Mining and Machine Learning in Cybersecurity" by Sumeet Dua, Xian Du for reading.Then come to the decision of the approach you are going to use based on below criteria,
1. IDS - signature,anomaly or hybrid based
2. Which Techniques - supervised,unsupervised or semisupervised
Read many of recent Cisco Talos , Cognitive blogs , they are from top class security researchers and scientists in the field working on real world data