Can you give a more detailed description - to what end ; what variables are you will to consider - structural, cultural, industry-type etc.? Also, please give the full reference of Rafferty and Griffin (2006)?
Further, you don’t automatically need more than 3 items just because you are planning your data analysis with AMOS. You might want to take a look into Blunch, N. (2012). Introduction to structural equation modeling using IBM SPSS statistics and AMOS. Sage.
Whichever instrument you choose, it's important that your questions are theoretically-based if you are using structural equation modelling. This means you might want to take a closer look at other organizational change theories and use a much more detailed instrument. It will be worth taking the time to do this, and I hope others are able to point you in the direction of some sound theories (I'm sorry I can't help with that).
The Blunch (2012) is a useful reference, and there are numerous others. While you don't need a minimum of 3 items per construct in SEM, it is strongly recommended as a minimum. You will, of course, need to check these items are appropriate ones to use in your analysis (through doing a confirmatory factor analysis first - even an exploratory factor analysis in SPSS is a good idea to check how many factors you really have, and whether each item loads in the factor you expect it to). James Gaskin's statwiki website is also useful for SEM and AMOS.