Why would you shape loan repayment behaviour? If you are talking about what causes non-performing loans, you may read about the determinants of NPLs. Loan borrowers are unable to repay their loans due to certain conditions, and my not because of their behavior per se.
There are a lot if research on Loan Repayment Performance of Rural Farmers in Ethiopia but this research is somewhat similar to Farmers in developing countries.
When you talk about the Behaviour aspect that will indicate the Psychological factor of related variables such as Attitude, Achievement Motivation, Perception, Risktaking Behaviour etc.
Depending on what your research question is, you may refer to:
- Organizational (MFI-level) factors: product design, loan methodology, HR practices related to loan officers,
- Industry-level factors: competition and information asymmetry (credit bureaus?), regulations (interest rate caps), etc.
- Client-level factors: financial conditions, indebtedness status, gender and other demographic factors, etc.
The literature on loan repayment exists, including on microfinance. See for instance these very recent and quality papers:
- Otiti, N., Godfroid, C., Mersland, R., & D’Espallier, B. (2021). Does it (Re) pay to be Female? Considering Gender in Microfinance Loan Officer-Client Pairs. The Journal of Development Studies, 1-16.
- Godfroid, C., Otiti, N., & Mersland, R. (2022). Employee tenure and staff performance: The case of a social enterprise. Journal of Business Research, 139, 457-467.