I already try to use STATA, but I have issues because of the large number of DMU and the fact that I am using panel data. I will be appreciative of any useful recommendation.
For Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) I would recommend you to employ DEAP software - it is easy to use and free to download (after installation there will be pdf guide available, which is very informative): https://economics.uq.edu.au/cepa/software
It allows to run panel data, by introducing the number of periods. As I am aware, it has no limitations to the number of DMU.
Ette Etuk I have tried to use STATA by installing the DEA command. It was too heavy for STATA due to the number of observations. In fact the Stata software I was using crashed in the process.
R software is a good alternative to paid software like STATA, also several packages are available for performing DEA. Benchmarking is a good package with lots of options
You can try DEAP 2.1 software. You can estimate technical efficiency (TE) under Constant Return to Scale (CRS) and Variable Return to Scale (VRS). Even scale efficiencies (where applicable) can be obtained. If you have price data for the respective physical variables used for TE analysis, the software can be useful to estimate cost and allocative efficiencies. Also, if the data set is panel (i.e., cross sectional data over the period for the same DMU), total factor productivity (TFP) change, technological change, technical efficiency change and scale efficiency change can be estimated through Malmquist DEA setting.
I recommend DPIN 3.0 software. You can estimate Technical, Scale and Mix efficiency using Hicks-Moorsteen or Fare-Primont set up which is more efficient than Malmquist for comparison.
Find the software and user manual here https://economics.uq.edu.au/cepa/software
Please contact my student friend Dr.Shivakumar C (Mob no.9739252698, E-mail:shjvugarje@gmail.com) will help you to analyse the data using DEA technique,please.