This is a new method for me and I want to know more about what it would entail. I am learning at the same time and I wan to be sure that I can give her the correct guidance
Thank you Alex - this is very helpful. I will follow up on the reference. My student is using the term "giving voice" in her proposal and I am unsettled by this because I would think that BNIM would be more about empowerment. This brought me to examine the relationship between voice and empowerment - any thoughts or references on this?
Thank you Alex. i will follow up on these. I am excited to be working with a methodology that seems to be enable the voice of participants to be "exhumed" is the word that I saw being used, suggesting that it can be very deeply hidden.
With any qualitative study it takes time to learn. Thank goodness. That reflects the diligence that each of use put into our research so that we are certain we are illuminating the authenticate perspective of our research participants.
I wanted to mention that your student can utilize Raven's Eye for analyzing the qualitative responses your student is collecting.
Nice thing about Raven's Eye is that the results reflect the ACTUAL words of the research participants. That means the researcher is not labeling themes with their own terminology. This is a key feature to this analytic process.